Monday, September 10, 2012

President Obama Experiences Surge In Polls Following DNC!!!

Following a successful Democratic National Convention, President Obama is experiencing a surge in the political polls! With an average of five points, the President is starting to take a commanding lead against Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Romney officials are now worried because he has not seen that rise in polls they thought he would have following the Republican National Convention. While he saw a three to four point gain following the convention to put him at a dead heat with President Obama, analysts were worried because it was not a surge they usually see following such an event. While both candidates were in a dead heat going into the DNC, powerful speeches by Mrs. Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and President Obama has seemingly rallied the troops and this is being showed in Gallup and Rasmussen polls released this week. The President also saw his job approval rating rise (50% in the Gallup and 52% in the Rasmussen poll).

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